
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Often Nosebleeds? He's The Fix

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Often nosebleeds will make parents worry. But everyone definitely never experienced nosebleeds, especially for children or the elderly. Nosebleeds or epistaksis is a condition in which the nose bleed, either from one or both nostrils. Any duration varies, some are experiencing nosebleeds just in seconds until the duration of 10 minutes duration. There are several categories of people who often have a nosebleed.

The first category is children aged 3-10 years old, pregnant women, and the elderly. The second category are the ones who often medications such as aspirin and anticoagulants. And the third is a category of people who suffered from the disease of blood disorders such as hemophilia. Then what are the symptoms, causes, and how to cope with children who often nosebleeds? Following his review.

Symptoms to look out for When Children Often Nosebleeds
There are some symptoms that can lead to someone experiencing nosebleeds. For the first category, i.e., children, pregnant women, and elderly, nosebleeds are not too dangerous. But for those who are in the second and third categories, should be more careful because there are indications of nosebleed can be a specific disease. However, when you experience a nosebleed, should remain vigilant no matter what your age. Here are symptoms to look out for nosebleed:

Nosebleeds that lasted more than 30 minutes
In General, the nosebleeds just lasted less than 10 minutes. But when children often experience a nosebleed more than 10 minutes, preferably immediately took him to the doctor to get a proper handling.

Nosebleeds in children aged less than 2 years
As described earlier, that the children often experience nosebleeds are those aged 3-10 years. If the child has not even 3 years old yet often suffered a nosebleed, this being an indication that the condition of the body of the child are not stable and can be dangerous if not immediately get medical care.

Irregular heartbeat
Symptoms of nosebleeds often happens is the emergence of a sense of dizziness. But if your nosebleed is accompanied by an irregular heartbeat, then had to look out for. The heart rate is not stable the nosebleed will make breathing difficulties.

Nosebleed after injury
Symptoms to look out for is when children or adults experiencing nosebleeds post injury. This is an indication that there is a wound in the body that ultimately caused the discharge of blood from the nose. Other symptoms that are also dangerous is when the blood out of the body in addition to the nose, such as urine. For this condition, immediately take it to the doctor.

Causes and types of Nosebleeds in children
The main causes of nosebleeds is destruction of delicate blood vessels that is located there in the area of the skin layers. This type of nosebleed can be categorized into two i.e., anterior and posterior. The anterior is bleeding on the front of the nose. This type of nosebleed is easily handled and is usually experienced by children. At least 90 percent of nosebleeds occur in this section.

While the posterior is bleeding from blood vessels behind the nose. This type of nosebleed is very rare and is usually marked with the volume of blood that much more of an anterior nosebleed. Usually posterior experienced by those who are often taking blood thinning medication, pregnant mothers, and the elderly.

In children who often nosebleeds, there are several factors that influence. The following factors are more easily attack the children because their body durability which is still weak. Among them are the following:

Air Pollution
The first factor is the air pollution. Dirty air from either smoking or smoke a motor vehicle entering the nasal cavity the child will cause irritation. This irritation causing bleeding then on the nose.

Drastic Change Of Weather
Frequent nosebleeds in children can also be caused due to the drastic weather changes e.g. from hot to cold and vice versa. Not only that, the room temperature changes also provide its own influence, for example after the child out of the room AIR CONDITIONING to open that very hot, and vice versa.

Nose The Importation Of Foreign Bodies
Another factor is the child's nose the importation of foreign matter like dust. Dust-dust that sharp will give impact form of infection in the blood vessels in the nose. This is what makes children easy nosebleeds. Not only that, the child's nails too long can also cause nose injured while digging out the nose so that it came to nosebleeds.

Blood Disease
As for other factors that can also make an older child is experiencing nosebleeds disorders or severe diseases of the blood. Symptoms that appear are usually the children will quickly suffocate while experiencing nosebleeds. It gets worse, nosebleeds occur more than 10 minutes. To that end, quickly bring a child to the doctor for treatment.

After learning about the types of and causes of nosebleeds, you now have to figure out how to give the children handling often nosebleeds. This is so that the process of bleeding at the nose of the quick stop.

Handling of Nosebleeds in children
When a child is experiencing nosebleeds, not to worry. Do the following handling steps to relieve bleeding in the nose. However in the following ways do not work well or often suffered nosebleeds, feel free to memeriksakannya to the doctor. Here the best handling to nosebleeds in children.

Positioning the Child by sitting
The first way is with his children. Dudukkan child with head upright and leaning forward. Despite sometimes appearing vertigo when the nosebleeds, don't ever let him lie down. This is so the bleeding can be faster progress as well as the blood is not flowing into the throat children.

Remove All blood from the nose and mouth
When you or your children are experiencing nosebleeds, leave until all the blood out of the nose. In some cases children are often nosebleeds, sometimes there is blood coming into the mouth through the throat. Remove the blood by opening your mouth or spit it out gently.

Use your index finger and Thumb
Other ways that can be used to handle a nosebleed is often pressed the base of the nose with the thumb and index finger. However, use a gentle pressure. The hard pressure on the base of the nose can worsen the condition of nosebleeds.

Use Ice Cubes
The next way is mengompress the stem nasal. This is because the ice cubes can relieve bleeding. When you use ice cubes to relieve nosebleeds, wrap ice cubes in a clean cloth. After that, place the child's nose on the rod for 5 to 10 minutes. In this way does not give results, take your child to the doctor.

That's some reviews about the symptoms, causes, and how to cope with children who often nosebleeds. If blood comes out of the nose of the child never stops, it is advisable for children checked health condition at a nearby hospital. Thus, you can find out the causes of nosebleeds so as to prevent a nosebleed occurs too often in children.

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