
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Are there any signs of Anemia Following on you?

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Frequent dizziness and weakness makes you wonder, what is it that you experience is characteristic of anemia or not. Before checking whether certain conditions included in the characteristics of anemia or not, first we must understand about the anemia itself. Anemia is a term which refers to a decrease in the number of red blood cells circulating in the blood. In the general population, anemia is a blood disorder that is most plentiful. In the United States, recorded 3 million inhabitants are suffering from anemia. Worldwide, an estimated 1.62 billion people affected by anemia. This means that 1 in 7 people in the world are experiencing this condition. Preschool age children have a high risk of anemia most affected, i.e. 47% of preschool age children in the world suffer from anemia.

In Indonesia alone, according to the study, published in the Lancet Global Health, the prevalence of anemia among women of productive age (15 to 49 years of age, whether pregnant or not pregnant) was of 22.5%, which shows that in our country let alone, these conditions deserves attention.

Understand The Definition Of Anemia Before Knowing The Characteristics Of Anemia
Anemia is a condition where the body is experiencing a decline in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) that circulate in the blood vessels. A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood of healthy can also be called anemia. Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells that bind with iron, which serves as a carrier of oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.

In addition to the hemoglobin transports oxygen, also carrying carbon dioxide from the rest of the body back to the lungs to be exhaled out of the body. Hemoglobin levels vary depending on gender and age. In women, the normal hemoglobin levels range between 12-16 gr/dL. In men, normal hemoglobin levels slightly higher than women, that is between 14-18 gr/dL. In children, the rate of hemoglobinnya is in range 10-16 gr/dL. Whereas in the newborn, the levels of hemoglobinnya is relatively higher than children of older age is about 12-24 gr/dL.

When a person's body does not produce enough red blood cells healthy, or if the level of hemoglobin in the blood below the normal range, or if the body destroys red blood cells too fast/much, then the cells throughout the body would not be getting enough oxygen to run its functions optimally, which causes a person experience the characteristics of anemia. Bleeding, which caused the lack of someone a lot of red blood cells, it can also magnify the risk of anemia.

The Characteristics Of Anemia Upon The Cause
Noted there are more than 400 types of anemia that were successfully identified. Look at the number of types of anemia, sometimes it is hard to really determine the cause of the anemia. However, it is basically the cause of anemia can be divided into three, namely anemia due to blood loss, anemia due to decreased production of red blood cells that are healthy, and anemia due to damage of red blood cells.

In General, the characteristics of anemia is the body feel tired, weak, skin looks pale or yellowish, irregular heartbeat, short-short breather and quick, Dizzy or head feels light (hovering), chest pain, leg and hands when touched then feels cold and headache. However, it will look for other signs and symptoms depend on what the underlying causes. Let's check out one by one the causes of anemia and anemia characteristics thereof.

Anemia due to blood loss
This type of anemia is most plentiful, namely anemia due to iron deficiency, entered into this category. Spinal cord we need iron to produce hemoglobin. In the absence of sufficient iron intake, the body isn't able to produce enough hemoglobin to red blood cells. Anemia due to iron deficiency can be caused by a lack of intake of foods that contain iron, but most are caused by losing a lot of blood.

When the body loses a lot of blood as in menstruation, wounds, surgical procedures, the process of giving birth, rupture of blood vessels as well as cancer, the body reacts by pulling water from the network outside of the flow of blood in an effort to keep the the blood vessels remain unfilled liquid.

Although the amount of fluid volume is relatively "fixed", but of course this extra fluid does not contain red blood cells. Additional fluid does not contain hemoglobin. The characteristics of anemia that appears when someone loses a lot of blood hemoglobin levels are below normal, pale, ekstremitasnya (feet and hands) feels cold, accompanied by dizziness.

Anemia due to decreased production of red blood cells in healthy
Bone marrow is the soft tissue that is textured like a sponge, which is located in the central part of our bones. The task was to produce bone marrow stem cell that later develop into platelets (platelet), white blood cells, and red blood cells.

When the spinal cord influenced by some diseases such as leukemia, in which white blood cells are more turbulent and the numbers outside the normal threshold, production of red blood cells in healthy would be disturbed. Another example is on sickle cell anemia (sickle cell anemia).

The characteristics of anemia when a person suffers from sickle cell anemia is, when viewed under a microscope lens, red blood cells are smaller and shaped like a Crescent Moon. In addition, individuals who experience it physically will manifest symptoms such as swelling in the feet and hands that feels pain, fatigue, and jaundice (yellowish skin).

There are several other diseases that can affect the spinal cord in producing red blood cells healthy, such as chronic disease (cancer as has been mentioned, HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, Crohn's disease, and other chronic inflammatory diseases). The characteristics of anemia that appears when anemia induced by disease-the disease is fever and red spots on the skin (except of course the signs and symptoms of anemia are generally already we know together).

Similarly, in certain circumstances such as when a person is a shortage of folic acid and vitamin B12. Both of these nutrients is essential for producing red blood cells healthy. Individuals who experience anemia that was triggered by a deficiency of folic acid in addition to revealing the signs and symptoms of anemia in General, will also experience diarrhea and his tongue when checked looked fine.

Anemia due to damage of red blood cells
Red blood cells generally have a lifespan 120 days in the bloodstream. However, in some cases, the red blood cells are destroyed faster before the spinal cord can produce red blood cells. This condition is called hemolitika anemia, which can be triggered by an infection, certain medications, blood clotting disorders, swelling of the spleen, severe hypertension, or toxins resulting from chronic kidney or liver disease. In this case, a person may experience abdominal pain, fever, dark urine, and yellowish skin.

In addition to the characteristics of anemia has many mentioned above, one can only experience symptoms extras such as hair loss and heart conditions are deteriorating. When anemia is already happening in a long period of time (chronic anemia), the body may have to make adjustments with the low oxygen levels and someone might just not feel the signs and symptoms that appear unless anemianya experience worsening. Understanding the traits that emerge will help to get the right therapy.

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