If you're curious about the traits of a baby cow's milk allergy, then you're at the right article. IDAI (Bond Pediatrician Indonesia) stated that as much as 2 – 7.5% of the baby who was born in Indonesia suffered an allergy to cow's milk.
ASI may indeed be highly recommended to the newborn up to age reaches 6 months. However, in certain conditions some babies can not get BREAST MILK, so to do the replacement of cow's milk or infant formula. And not all babies are intolerant or allergic infant milk at no. The following will be presented a summary of information about the characteristics of the milk allergy babies and their proper handling. Let's start to read!
Thorough and Know the characteristics of the baby cow's milk Allergy
The occurrence of allergic reactions in infants is called immunological hypersensitivity reactions as well. Is a reaction which can arise due to the perfect baby's digestive tract is not yet. The intestinal Peristaltic and the surface of the stomach of the baby are normally is the main patron of various allergen (allergy-causing) including the protein in cow's milk.
On some of the new baby is born, colon and his immature and not ready to accept the protein or lactose content in milk cow. So that caused some allergic reactions. The following is a summary about some of the signs and characteristics of infants who experience allergic to cow's milk.
1. Baby does not gain weight
Good baby BREAST MILK or baby with cow milk/formula will have the same growth pattern. Up to 6 months of age, babies should experience growth of 1.5 to 2.5 cm long as per month. With the increase in weight as much as 0.5 to 1 kilogram. Babies aged 6 months his weight already must be 2 times the weight when born.
1 year old baby will experience growth in length along the 1 cm per month and should increase the weight 0.5 kg per month. You should be aware of if it does not happen your baby's weight gain at the end of each month. Infants with cow's milk allergy or other medical condition may experience growth that is less good.
2. Often spit up or Vomit
The second trait if your baby is experiencing allergic to cow's milk is often spit up and vomiting. Not rarely, his stomach will feel more bloated and contains the wind, when you shall nor be moved the position of the movement of the wind sound will be heard in his stomach. Child tend to be cranky, restless and easily cry.
3. Diarrhea or constipation (red rash may be accompanied on the anus)
In infants who experience allergies on cow's milk, diarrhea and constipation may occur. This usually will appear on the area of the anus. There is redness and sores on her anus. The frequency of its CHAPTERS every day can be more than 3 times with the consistency of mucus and smelling pungent.
In some cases the cow's milk allergy, constipation can even occur. Her stomach will be palpated and CHAPTER may occur only once in 3 days even more with the consistency of a dense, hard, blackish-coloured and sharp-smelling.
4. Colds and Coughs
Children with cow's milk allergy will also more often experience colds and coughs than healthy children. You'll hear the sound of a voice or ronchi wet from pernafasaanya. The baby also often troubled even looks difficult to breathe.
The occurrence of colds and coughs it should immediately You beware and consult your Pediatrician. Colds and cough in infants that prolonged can interfere with breathing, lead to various diseases and other complications are of course not you want.
5. Atopic Dermatitis/rash and Reddish Spots on a baby's skin
Another very apparent signs when occurrence of allergies in the baby's skin is the appearance of the rash and reddish spots that are known by the medical term atopic dermatitis. Rash or redness it will often appear on the face of a baby. Not infrequently this rash will make the baby looks swollen and very uneasy because of the pain, hot and itchy.
Steps and handling appropriate to babies with cow's milk Allergy
If the 5th sign above, the first step you should do is to stop the advance grant of cow's milk or milk formulas for 2 to 4 weeks. The following steps detail explanation and proper handling for infants with cow's milk allergy.
1. Avoid cow's milk but still Healthy Balanced
If your baby was less than 6 months then optimize breast feeding him. Mothers should also avoid consumption of foodstuffs containing beef protein. Additional calcium consumption to improve Maternal weight and support the growth of the baby. Some foods can also be you choose to facilitate the production of breast milk.
As well as in infants who have exceeded the age of 6 months. Make menu MPASI, free of animal protein especially proteins from cows but still healthy and balanced. Try implementing a fast protein beef for 2 to 4 weeks. Then try to give it back on your baby. Temporary allergic reactions may occur in some babies.
2. Provide milk Type Hipoalergenik (HA)
If the production of BREAST MILK you still not optimal to meet the needs of infants who are allergic to cow's milk. Try replacing milk with milk products sapinya hipoalergenik (HA). Dairy products hipoalergenik (HA) is a dairy product that comes from cows. However, it has undergone some processing, so the level of particles of cow's milk has been much reduced.
The use of milk hipoalergenik (HA) can stimulate baby's level of tolerance toward cow's milk. The baby was initially not tolerant with cow's milk can return healthy and alerginya reactions be reduced.
3. Provide milk Soya Type
Unlike with soya milk, hipoalergenik milk is milk which contains soy protein from the equivalent proteins from cow's milk. Soya milk is safer to babies with cow's milk allergy. Soya milk contains no lactose, but have content of calcium and phosphorus are good for teeth and bone growth in infants.
Soya milk also contains omega 3 and omega 6 as the material foundation of AA and DHA are good for growing flowers as well as optimal children's intelligence. The price of soya milk also tend to be cheaper than milk hipolaergenik (HA). But You still need to beware too, some babies are having allergic to soya milk. Note also berbaga a sign of allergies that is almost the same with baby allergy towards cow milk.
4. Provide Probiotic
Probiotic is very beneficial for the baby's digestive tract. This probiotic function taking care of good bacteria in the digestive organs especially on the baby his bowels. The occurrence of allergies will usually result in an imbalance of the normal flora or the good bacteria in the digestive tract of an infant.
Diarrhea, constipation and a variety of other infectious diseases caused by gastrointestinal bacteria balance is not good. Give probiotics simultaneously with the granting of a baby milk and adjust with the dosage given by Your pediatrician.
Such information about the characteristics of cow's milk allergy in infants and their proper handling. If your baby is getting failed to repair the condition of various allergy symptoms occur, consult your doctor to get the best solution. When you need to find the donor community BREAST MILK, so keep your baby achieve optimal growth and development. Hopefully this article useful and hopefully recover quickly!
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