Growth and development of the fetal Age 35 when the content of the week
At the time of entering into the age of 35 weeks, the fetus will experience a growing swell of increasingly rapidly, because the H of birth already are getting closer. The mother usually start to feel worried because labor already is getting closer. But in the three weeks after 35 weeks, when the fetus is 36 weeks 37 and 38, will still be fetal growth period that very rapidly. And the last time rated as the fastest growth period. Well, here are a few things that evolved from the fetus at the time of entering into the age of 35 weeks.
The first, the weight of the fetus will be growing longer. Towards the age of 35 weeks, the weight of the fetus will always grow every week at least 25 grams. At the time of the pregnancy week 35 is also a baby would be getting longer, and if the measured length is about 45 centimeters if measured from head to feet fingers. And the time the fetus is also still requires the necessary fat to build and shape the shoulders.
In addition your womb will also increasingly claustrophobic, so the fetus will usually begin to show a sense of the ketidaknyamanannya by doing movements in the form of kicks, punches, stretched, or rolling over. The fetus is also estimated to already be in a position of the head is below in Your pelvis, and this position is the most ideal position for childbirth. However, if still not at this position, there are still some ways that indeed intended to change the position of the fetus into the birth. In addition the fetal age 35 weeks also makes the fetus in the womb of its brain development is increasingly rapidly.
Fetal weight 35 weeks normally is about 2.2 kg, and the fetus start to concentrates increases his weight for several more weeks is the time of his birth. Most bear the fetal organs have already formed perfectly, therefore the last weeks of pregnancy is utilized by fetal to promote weight loss. In addition if a fetus conceived is male, then the tetisnya has already started there in SAC male member.
The weight of the fetus now reached 2.2 kg with a total length of 45 cm. fetal organs mostly already perfect at this time, the fetus will concentrate to increase his weight in the last weeks of pregnancy. If the fetus is male then Mother testisnya was already in the scrotal SAC (a SAC phallus).
In addition to the physical changes occur in the fetus, the changes also would occur in the mother. The most visible change is probably change the distance of the uterus from the navel. Usually at the time when the gestational age is already up at the age of 35 weeks, the uterus and the umbilical is about 15 centimeters. In the last weeks of pregnancy are also usually the mother began experiencing an increase in frequency of urination or frequent urination. This is due to the larger size of the fetus makes the womb the mother presses the bladder so that finally the frequency of micturition increased. Well, to overcome this nurturing, you can reduce drinking water or any drink before going to bed.
In addition, the production of BREAST MILK the mother also began to rise so usually colostrum will perk. And ahead of labor, for the pregnant women are advised to conduct more frequent controls or checks the content. Ranging in age from 35-week fetus, fetus 36 weeks, and so on until before his birth. Usually the spouses also have started to talk about labor plans and also plan for the baby at the age-age of 35 this week. Various labor and birth preparation start prepared and families in surrounding areas will also be increasingly alert to await the birth. And by labor, do not forget to always eat regularly so that at the time of delivery you have extra energy to bear the fruit of the heart that You look forward to for more or less 9 months.
Maintaining body condition at the time of 39 weeks of Gestation
During the last weeks of pregnancy, You will definitely be getting busy preparing Your delivery with various things. Starting from the physical, mental preparation and of course everything needed by your baby later. Thus there are a few things you need to do to keep your body in a condition fit, healthy and stay strong. You might be able to do sports more regularly as well as compensate with sufficient nutrition intake and balanced.
In addition, the frequency of inspection of the contents to any doctor should be the more often any more because you have to really monitor the condition of Your content. Basically the checks done just the same as examination at the weeks normally, just that there are a few additional checks such as GBS test. But the bacteria usually do not harm despite living in the area around the 10-35 femininity percent healthy women. However, this examination needs to be done because this turns out to be quite risky GBS contagious to Your fetus. In addition as extra checks when the fetal age 35 weeks is the examination of the fetal position, is already on its way precise born or not. And usually ahead of the labor day doctors will recommend an examination of Your cervix to make sure the position of the fetus.
Such is more or less an idea of Your fetus when it was entering the age of 35 weeks, starting from the weight of the fetus is 35 weeks, the physical characteristics of the mother, how to maintain good health in the last weeks of pregnancy, and some other information. Hopefully the information above can be of benefit to you, the expectant mothers who are already approaching a time of persalinannya. Congratulations on keeping Your content, hopefully your baby born safely, and you can also survived.
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